Edward Green of Atherton was born in about 1633 of Leigh, Lancashire, the son of Giles Green and Isabel Pendleberie.

There are two christening records for an Edward Green in Leigh, but no parents are listed in the christening register during this time period:

Either could be Edward's christening date, as Edward's parents married in 1630.

Edward Greene

Marriage record for Edward Greene in Leigh

Edward married in April 1663 in Leigh, but the bride's name was not recorded. She was listed as being of Deane parish. Her name, Elizabeth Withington, was mentioned in a history of Atherton. In the history of Atherton, Edward and his wife are mentioned: "John Withington, nailor died in 1665. His wife was Elizabeth, and a daughter of the same name, who had married Edward Green." (History of Atherton)

"Leigh was the name of a district embracing 13,793 acres, bounded on the north, east, and partly on the south by the hundred of Salford, on the west by the parish of Wigan, and on the south-west by the parish of Winwick. As its name denotes it was a district rich in meadow and pasture land, and the produce of its dairies—the Leigh cheese—was formerly noted for its excellence...Silk-weaving is a considerable industry in the town. Nail-making, linen-weaving, and the manufacture of fustian were largely conducted here in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries" (British History Online)



Edward Green of Atherton died and was buried 2 February 1684/5 in Leigh.

Edward Green burial

Burial record for Edward Green in Leigh: "Edward Green of Atherton - 02"

Edward left a will written 31 January 1684.

            Green will 1684

Will of Edward Greene of Atherton, 1684

Edward's will was proven in 1685: "In the name of God Amen the thirty first day of January Anno Domini 1684 I Edward Greene of Atherton in the County of Lancaster yeoman being infirme and weake of body but of sound and perfect memory praised be almighty God for the same doe ordaine and make this my last will & testament in manner following".

Edward left bequests to his wife and children. He mentioned his oldest son Gyles, but did not list the younger children by name: "My will and mind is that Elizabeth my now wife shall have and enjoy all the rest of my goods chattels and cattells for and towards the educacion and bringing up of my younger children: onely I give and bequeath unto Gyles my eldest sonne two chimneys or iron grates the one standing in the fire house and the other in the parlor one great Byble and Mr Perkins worke for his whole legasie. And whereas  I have reserved unto my selfe full power by one indenture of Assignment beareinge date the twenty first day of August in the thrity second yeare of the raigne of our Soverigne Lord that now is over England &c to charge my messuage and tenemt in Atherton aforesaid with the payment of fforrescore poundes or any lesser sume to such person or persons as I shall by this my last will an testamt nominate It is therefore my will and mind and I doe hereby limit grant nominate and appoint that Gyles my eldest sonne shall pay the sume of fforescore pounds of lawfull money of England unto my younger children sonnes or daughters equeally to bee divided amongst them share & share alike and this to be paid yearely & every yeare after Gyles shall attaine the age of ffower and twenty yeares by eight pounds six shillings eight pence yearly until the said sume of fforescore poundes bee rune up and discharged onely two of the last yeares shall pay unto his brothers or sisters the sume of eight pounds & ten shillings to make up the said sume of fforescore poundes."

Gyles was left the same bedsteads and meal arke which had been earlier mentioned in his grandfather's will: "Item my mind and will is that whereas I have fower bedstides which cannot well be removed and one great meale arke standing in the house if my sonne will paye the sume of thirty shillings for ther fower bedstids and forty shillings for the meale arke he shall have & hould them and they shall not bee removed out of their places and shall pay for them after the  death of his mother shee to enjoy them during her life". A meal arke is a large chest for holding meal.

Edward's wife Elizabeth and Henry Hampson were appointed executors. John Greene was one of the witnesses.

Edward Greene

   The seal of Edward Greene on his will

An inventory was created for Edward's estate after his death. The inventory included "six milk cowes" and a "hefar", "one horse and furniture for him", "a litle flat of wheat on the ground", "corne and mele" and hay. The "one great mele ark and 4 bedstocks" were listed. Household goods included "4 chests", a clock, "one round table a joynt stool", "4 bufet stooles", "eight cheares five stooles", "nine chesebords" and "one chese press", pewter, brass, treenware, earthenware, and ironware, and "21 quisheans".

            Greene inventory

Inventory for Edward Greene, 1685

Information about Edward's will is found in a history of Atherton: "Giles Green, a faithful member of minister Wood's chapel congregation owned a book; it was a religious work by Mr. Perkins, the learned divine. This and his Bible he so treasured that he left them by will to his eldest son, Edward Green. When he came to die in 1685 he in turn bequeathed them to his heir, Giles, who still had them carefully preserved in 1701, when he died.  The grandson had to raise £80 out of the profits of Green's house to pay for the legacies to the younger children. In the farmstead were bedstocks so huge and cumbersome that they were regarded as part of the permanent structure. The son heir had thus to buy them at an agreed price of 30s. and a meal ark as well at 40s. The father left £63 12 s. 0d. which included a piece of land sown with winter wheat. In the house was a clock and buffet stools."  (History of Atherton)



Edward and his wife had the following children:

1. Giles, christened 28 October 1665 in Leigh.

2. Elizabeth, christened 26 February 1667 in Leigh.

3. Anne, christened 12 January 1669 in Leigh.

*4. Lydia, christened 19 January 1671/2 of Leigh; married Raphe Rothwell 25 May 1697 in Deane; married George Seddon 9 February 1713 in Deane; married Edmund Clegg 2 January 1721/2 in Deane; married Jeremiah Aynsworth 30 December 1726 in Bolton.

Lydia Green baptism

Baptism record for Lydia Green in Leigh: "Lydia dau: of Edward Green of Atherton"

5. Edward, christened 24 March 1674 in Leigh.

SOURCES: Leigh parish register,

(Note: There is a will for Edward Green of Green Hall, yeoman of Atherton in Leigh probated 10 April 1689 in the Archdeaconry of Chester, but this was not Lydia's father. In the will he  mentioned his mother Mary Green, widow, brother George Green, sisters Hannah and Ellen Green, and uncle Peter Withington.) 


Giles Green was born in about 1605 of Atherton in the parish of Leigh, the son of Gyles Greene. He married Isabel Pendleberie in 4 June 1630 in Leigh.

Gyles Green marriage

Marriage record for Giles Green and Isabel Pendelberie in Leigh:
"Gyles Green Izabell Pendleberie - 4"

Giles is mentioned in a history of Atherton: "An early stalwart worshipper in the old Bent chapel was Giles Green, the great friend of the elder James Wood, who, ejected by the Act of Uniformity in 1662, was hospitably received in the house of this faithful servant of the cause. Green died in April 1661 and was buried at Leigh on the 27th. By his will he gave £10 to Lawrence Rawsthorne, Edward Green, the testator's son, John Rigby, William Smith, and Nicholas Withington, and this sum taken out of the profits of Hope Mollynew's house in Atherton was to maintain a preaching minister at Chowbent chapel for ever. Later Green caused the direction of this money to be diverted to Lawrence Rawsthourne, who was to improve it and at 21 to make Mr. Richard Atherton responsible for it. Giles gave the poor of Atherton and Westhoughton 20s. for the distribution and 6s. 8d. to the indigent of the other five townships of the parish. Gile's wife was Isabel, and sons Edward and Richard. His daughter Rebecca had married William Yonge. John Tildesley of Deane church was asked to help the executors as overseer. Green lived at the Green Hall, a home of Puritan sentiment and piety, where the ejected minister of the old chapel found asylum in the turbulence of the intolerant times in which he lived. All told Green left £423; there were many books in his house, the Bible and one by Mr. Perkins, besides 4 spinning wheels, 2 stone of flax, a peel for drawing loaves from the oven, a silver spoon and a hand sieve." (History of Atherton)

Giles died and was buried 27 April 1661 in Leigh.

Giles Green burial

Burial record for Giles Green in Leigh:
"Giles Greene of Athertone 27"

Giles left a will proven in 1663, mentioning his eldest son Edward, son Richard, daughter Rebecca wife of William Younge, Isable his wife, and his brother-in-law Peter Smith.

Giles Green will

Will of Giles Green of Atherton, 1661

In the name of God Amen the twenty third day of Aprille in the yeare of our Lord God 1661 And in the thirteenth yeare of the raigne of our most gratious Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God King of England Scotland ffrance & Ireland defender of the ffaith etc. I Gyles Greene of Atherton in the county of Lancastre yeoman being sicke & weake in body but of good & perfect memory praysed bee god for the same and takeing to remembrance the merlayne estate of this transitory life and tha all flesh must yeild unto death when ittshall please God to take, doe make constitute ordayne & declare this my last will & testeanemt in manner & forme following revoking annulling by theise pubts all & any testament & testaments, will & wills heretofore by mee made & declared whether by word or by writeing, And this to bee taken onely for my last will & testament & none other, that is to say, ffirst and principally commit my soule into the hands of Almighty God trusting through the merits of Jesus Christ to have full remission & pardon of all my sinnes and that my soule with my body all the genrall day or resurrection sha rise agayne with joy & inherit the kingdome of heaven prepared for his electe & chosen and my body to Christian buryall att the discretion of my executors & overseers hereafter named. And for my goods & chattels that itt hath pleased God to bestowe upon mee I doe hereby order & dispose thereof in manner & forme following (that is to say) itt is my mynd & will and I doe hereby give & bequeath unto Edward Green my eldest sonne, my house messuage and tenement with its appurtenances situate in Atherton aforesaid during the terme of the lease which is for yeares determinable upon lives paying the rents, & doeing the boones & dutyes thereupon referred, Item I give and bequeath unto Isable my wife foure pounds a yeare during her natuall live if the orridginall indenture of lease for long continure & bee in being to arise and become payable out of my layd messuage & tenement in Atherton aforesaid and to bee payd unto her by my sayd sonne Edward or the occupant of that tenement att every six months and from & after by equal ptons my decease Item I give and bequeath unto Lawrence Rostorne Esqe, my sonne Edward Greene aforesaid Roger Rigby Willm Smith Charles Greene John Hindley & Nicholas Withington all of Atherton aforesaid yeomen ten pounds ariseing and issueing out of the tenement belonging to Hope Mollyneux att Christmas by five pounds a yeare for twoe yeares next ensueing, And after the receipt of the sayd ten pounds, my will & mynd is that the sume bee by them the sayd Lawrence Rostorne Edward Greene Roger Rigby Willm Smith Charles Green John Hindley & Nicholas Withington used & improved to the best advantage together with what other moneys either already is or hereafter may bee given to Atherton Chappell to & for the maintenance of a preaching minister att the sayd chappell for ever, Then itt is my will & mynd that my sonne Edward Greene aforesaid shall have retayne & keepe the bedstidd in the Parlor I now lye on curtaines & valance other twoe bedstidds in the chamber over the say Parlor curtaines & valance and the bedstidd in the higher chamber together with all all my carts wheels plowes harrowes withal there furniture all the ladders all my house foure stone trouges one greate meale arke, twoe frame borde and greate cheste one dishbord one great bord in the buttery with all the shelves & other bords there one greate scalding turneble one great tubb and all the loose tymber or wood aboute the house, ffor which goods aforementioned specified given & bequeathed the sayd Edward my sonne shall sattissfie & pay the sume of five pounds which five pounds I doe order dispose give & bequeath as ffolloweth (that is to say) to George Greene thirty shillings To Marah fforth fifty shillings and to Ellin fforth twenty shillings, Item I give & bequeath unto my twoe sons Edward & Richard Greene all my woollin weareing apparel to bee devided equally between them Then itt is my will & mynd that the rest residue & remainder of my estate bee equally devided in three partes one parte thereof I reserve unto my selfe, one other parte I give & bequeath unto Isable my wife And the last third parte I doe give & bequeath unto Edward Greene & Richard Greene my sonnes, the children of John fforth, the children of Robert Hampson, and the children of my daughter Rebecca now the wife of William Yonnge to bee equally devided amongst them all Then itt is my mynd and will to that my ffunerall expences the pbate of my will and all such necessary charges bee deducted forth out of the first third parte before by mee reserved to my selfe And then for the rest residue & remaynder of the sayd third parte I freely cleerly & absolutely give & bequeath unto my two sonnes Edward Greene & Richard Greene to bee equally devided between them And lastly I doe constitue ordayne make & appoint they the sayd Edward Greene & Richard Greene my sonnes executors of this my last will & testament hoping they will pforme the same according to the playne worde & true meaning hereof as the same is expressed And I doe intreate Mr Tildsley Monister of Gods Word att Deane Church and Mr Henry Mollyneux to bee overseers of the same to setle all things & pvent all strife if any shall arise aongst any herein concerned I likewise desire my brother in law Peter Smith & Richard Asley of the Bankes to see my goods devided according to this my will herein declared & expressed In witness whereof to this my last will & testament I have hereunto putt my hand & seale the day & yeare first above written.

That before then sealing deciding publishing & declareing of theise puls within named Gyles Greene did give & bequeath unto the poore people of Atherton twenty shillings To the poore of Westhaughton twenty shillings To the poore of Tildsley & Shakerley five shillings eight pence To the poore in Asley six shinnings eight pence To the poore is Bedford six shillings eight pence To the poore in Penington six shillings eight pence and to the poore in Westleigh six shillings eight pence To Edward Greene my sonne I give & bequeath my greate Byble and other booke of Mr Pickins worke, all which moneys & bookes is to bee taken upp & deducted forth out of my whole estate before itt bee devided into three equal parts my mynd & will is alsoe that Lawrence Rostorne Esqr shall stand ffeoffee for the improving of the ten pounds herein before given & bequeathed with Edward Greene my sonne Roger Rigby Willm Smith Charles Greene John Hindley and Nicholas Withington until such tyme as Richard Atherton Esqr my maistre shall & doe accomplish & attayne the age of one & twenty yeares, and then I humbly intreate him to stand ffeoffee in stead & roome of the sayd Lawrence Rostorne And further my mynd & will is that whereas I have severall goods or household stuffe in the hands and power custodie & possession of John fford of Westhaughton yeoman that the sayd goods my wife Isable shall have & receive over & aboe which I have herein whereby given & bequeathed unto her, And alsoe my mynd & will is that Edward Greene my sonne shall have the three chimneys (to will) that in the house that in the Parlor & I now lye in& that in ye chamber over itt without of arising anything for them.

Giles and Isabel had the following children:

*1. Edward, born in about 1633; married Elizabeth Withington; buried 2 February 1684/5 in Leigh.

2. Richard

3. Rebecca; married William Yonge.

SOURCES: Leigh parish register,; History of Atherton, by John Lunn.

Earlier Greens in Atherton:

Protestation Oath of 1642
"In May 1641 the House of Commons acted to defend the Protestant Religion, Parliament, and the Crown against a perceived threat of 'Popery and Popish Innovations'. They prepared an oath of loyalty to be taken by all males of 18 years and over. Duly passed by the Protestant Peers in the House of Lords, the Protestation Oath was put in force in January 1642 (modern calendar) when the Speaker of the House of Commons instructed county sheriffs to take action. In February, 217 men from Atherton assembled at Leigh Parish Church and took the oath before John Atherton, the High Sheriff of Lancashire. One man refused the oath.

The protestation returns can be used to estimate the population of Atherton at the time. One formula (W.B. Stephens 'Sources for English Local History') doubles the number to include adult women, and adds 40% for those under 18. Others suggest multiplying the number by 4. Thus, Atherton in 1642 would probably have had between 600 and 900 inhabitants.

These Greens are listed in Atherton in 1642:

Anthony Greene
Charles Greene
Edward Greene
George Greene
Gyles Greene
Gyles Greene, senr
Henry Greene
John Greene
Peeter Greene
Richard Greene
Thomas Greene"

Giles Green (born about 1605), Edward's father, was alive in 1642. The Gyles Greene, senior in the same Protestation list is likely his father.

SOURCES: Leigh parish register,; History of Atherton, by John Lunn; Protestation Oath of 1642, Atherton.


Gyles Greene was christened 27 June 1567 in Leigh, the son of Edward Greene and Elizabeth Rycrofte. Gyles was mentioned in a history of Atherton as an appraiser for the inventory of George Withington in 1614: "Sober and religious friends Giles Green, Roger Rigby, John Hatton and Gilbert Aldred by their combined advice valued his goods". (History of Atherton)

Gyles and his wife had the following children:

*1. Giles; born in about 1605; married Isabel Pendleberie 4 June 1630 in Leigh.

SOURCES: History of Atherton, by John Lunn; Protestation Oath of 1642, Atherton.


Edward Greene was born in about 1545 of Leigh. He married Elizabeth Rycrofte. Elizabeth was the daughter of Roger Rycrofte of Atherton.

Edward died in about 1591, leaving a will:

Edward Greene will

Will of Edward Greene, 1591

In the name of God amen the xiiijth day of Aprell in the xxxiijth yeare of the raigne of oure most gracious Souveraigne lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England Ffrance & Ireland Queene & defender of the fayth I Edward Greene of Atherton within the county of Lancaster husbandman although in body by the Lordes favourable hande of corrertion by sicknes & psently inposed upon me somewhat weake nevertheles stronge in my mynde & of pfecte remembrance blessed by God & ordayne & make my will contayninge therin my last testamente in manner & fourme folowinge viz ffirste & principally I freely commend & committe my soule into the handes of Jesus Christe my onely Savioure & Redeemer & my body to be buryed at my parishe church of Leighe in the accustomed place of my predessors buryall. Item it is my will & mynde that my sonne Gyles Greene shall have & enjoy oute of my whole goodes undevided the carte & carte geare plowgh & ploughgeare harrowes spades axes hangers with all other such necesaryes in instraments & workeloomes fine for husbandry together with one iron chimney standinge in the house. Item it is my will & mynde that all my goodes & cattalls moveable & unmoveable the above named excepted shalbe distributed & devided into iij equall ptes & porcons one pte whereof acordinge to the anciente custome of ye country to  remayne to Elizabeth Greene my wief an other to ye use & behoof of my childron by equall division reserving & the third & last pte to my self whereof I geve & bequeath to every one to whom I am godfather unto xijd. Item I remitte & forgeve Ellice Ricrofte my brother in law that money which he oweth me for a calf. Item I geve and bequeath unto Jennette Greene my daughter one cowstryke of x yeare ould with a white bleaze in the foreheade & the kewtion of my sayed pte my debtes payed my lecasies pformed & the reste funerall expenses dischardged my will & mynde is shalbe devided equally amonge my sayed wyef & children. Item I do ordayne & make Elizabeth Greene my sayed wief & Gyles Astler of Atharton my newe & lawfull executors of this my last will & testamente most humbly requestinge my verey freinds in Christ Simonde Smyth of Atharton Edward Greene of Bedforth Raph Morrice of Atharton & Arnold Leth of Pinnington to stand as suprvizours hereof to see all prmises herein contayned faythfully dischardged acordinge to my true entente & meaninge & that assured confidence & do repose in them. Witness hereof Roger Ricrofte Edward Greene Raphe Morrice William Bradshaugh

Imprimis to Simond Smyth of Atharton - xls
Item to James Astley of Atharton - xls
Item to Roger Rycrofte my father in law - vis viijd

Debtes oweinge to me
Imprimis of Roger Ricrofte my father in law -svs vjd
Item of William Bradshaugh of Westhaughton - xviijs viijd
Item Edmonde Morrice of Lostocke - xiijs iiijd
Item Robte Spakeman of Middlehulton - xl ixs
Item Nicholas Cranwike of the keye greene - xiijs iiijd
Item Nicholas Larchforth of Pinnington - vjs iiijd
Item William Lion of Sutton gent - xijs
Item Peter Cranwicke - ijs
Item Raphe Himley - viijs
Item George Sanderson of Atharton - vis
Item John Walkden nealer - xxd
Item Thomas Hulton of Atharton Ford cowherd - vjs
Item the sume pte of lente money - ixs
Item John Nosittell spinner - iiijs
Item Edwarde Rowane of Warbuton - xs
Item Nicholas Witham - vis ijd
Item Thomas Bell - vjs ijd
Item Thomas Astley of Tildesley - ssis
Item Roger Smyth de Bente - vs ijd
Item Thomas Throppe de Harbold - vs ijd

Item one bill of demise from Raph Hindley - ls
The one closse of grounde called the Barley Crofte for one whole yeare holden of Alexander Bradshaugh - ixs
Item the occapation of a closse holden of the wrest of William Doson for the yeare - xxxiijs iiijd
Item the occupation of the same closse for one other yeare after this holden of James Doson - xxxiijs iiijd
Item iiij iron gates within the demayne of Atharton - xls
Item the occupation of a closse holden of Adam Smeworth for one yeare - xvis
Item meadow grownde beinge in the meadowes taken for this yeare - iijl vs

Summa total xxxili xid

An inventory was created for Edward's estate:

Edward Greene inventory

Inventory for Edward Greene

A true inventorie of all the goods and cattell moveable and unmoveable of Edward Greene of Athayton within the countie of Lanc husbandman deceased, praised by fowre xxx xxx men

Imprimis fowre oulde horses and three yonge coultes - viij li
Item eighte kyne and three heyffers - xiij li
Item sixe other kyne - xi li
Item three suckinge calves three weaninge calves and twoe strykes - iij li vj s viij d
Item twoe speaninges - xiij s iiij d
Item cartes plowes harrowes with other implemetes belonginge to husbandrie - iij li vj s viij d
Item one iron chymney with a crowe - x s
Item one acer of wheate & a rodde landes - iij li vj s viij d
Item three acres & a woode lande of oates and three woode lande of barlie - vj li xiij s iiij d
Item cloven tymber - xx s
Item cowrne barlie meale maulte and hempe feede - iiij li
Item in cheisse and bacon - xx s
Item in pewter and brasse - iiij li
Item in beddinge and sackes - vi li
Item beddstockes and coffers - xxxiij s iiij d
Item one almerie one fonden boarde & other boardes - xxx s
Item all tryne ware - xxxs
Item in yearne and linen - xiij s iiij d
Item his baclecloathes - iij s iiiij d
Summa tot - lxxiiij li xxj s viij d

Edward and Elizabeth had the following children:

*1. Giles, christened 27 June 1567 in Leigh.

2. Jennette

SOURCES: Will of Edward Greene of Atherton, Leigh parish, 1591.